Welcome BalatonFondo – Schneller Domonkos

Balaton Highland… the land of legends and myths. For folktale and oral history collectors, and local people of course, this is the homeland of giants throwing rocks and hills while mourning their sole daughter – eventually creating this beautiful landscape. When the topic of Balaton Highland emerges experts of Earth history mention the prehistoric Pannonian See and extinct volcanoes, shepherds’ tales are about green pasture lands, while winelovers speak of the so-called mineral taste of those delicious white wines.

But for the lovers of cycling this land is about exciting slopes, shady roads with lake view, friendly hosts, and, especially since last year, it reminds us of the traces of heroes of the Giro Grande Partenza, 2022.

All agree, however, that the Balaton region and Balaton Highland are exceptionally beautiful parts of Hungary, and are among the most picturesque landscapes of Europe.

The Giro Grande Partenza proved that people in Hungary are enthusiastic about cycling. They like cheering, like to dress their homes for festivals, and they like to saddle up on hot summer afternoons and for springtime races as well.

This enthusiasm, and the memories of last year’s Giro led the creators of BalatonFondo to dream and organize a race taking the peloton through this charming region, at the level of great European Gran Fondos, on safe routes meandering among guest-friendly villages, and closed for any other traffic.

I really do believe that on the 1st of May 2023, this eye-catching part of Hungary can host many hundreds or even thousands of amateur athletes beside a handful of pro racers.

Our aim is to create a true legacy for this race, and the unforgettable experiences gained here will call an increasing number of cyclists to admire the spectacular view and friendly countryside environment year after year.

dr. Domonkos Schneller
patron of BalatonFondo
General Director , The Hungarian Museum of Science, Technology and Transport
